Google Maps Mystery

Hi my name is Alan. I "was" a Google Maps user. I will tell you how I lost my mind the day i started using Google Maps. My friend recomended it to me. At that moment I thought to myself "That's so cool i get to see actual people at actual locations. I always like to wonder where they were going as well. I searched some place in Tokyo and it's actually kind of neat that they blur people faces, but something caught my attention. This one girl's face was not blurred. She was wearing a purple shirt, white jeans, and a bash purse. I thought that was odd that they did not blur out her face. I decided to look at world wonders. I look at a wonder that was in a war. It was abandoned. Then i turn around some corners and i see her again. At that moment i was freaked out. I decided to check some other ares to see if she was there. Guess what? She was! Every corner every street I was terrified. When i looked at her eyes it was like she was starring into my soul. I give my friend Josh (who introduced me in the first place) the cooridinates of where I saw her. He said he only saw her in 1 of the 5 locations. I decided to search up if anyone saw her to. No one did. For a second I relived. I decided to go to sleep afterwards. I had nightmares. Turns out it was a bug that google has patched now. I didn't think it was. Well i'm Alan and this is my story. I will never forget that day.